Today I wrote an email to a group of volunteers. At the end I signed it off:
-Carmen Rempel
Momentum/Nights Alive Coordinator
I had to pause to think about this for a moment because usually I email these two groups separately. So I would sign off either Momentum Coordinator or Nights Alive Coordinator depending on whom I was communicating to. But because I was emailing both groups I combined the two titles.
That got me thinking about all the different ways I sign off emails. All the different roles I fill.
-Carmen Rempel
Secretary of YFC Young Leader Advisory Board
-Carmen Rempel
High School Youth Worker
So just for fun I decided to write out all my different roles. You can see the result below.
-Carmen Rempel
Momentum Coordinator, Nights Alive Coordinator, Youth Worker, Young Leaders Advisory Board Secretary, YFC National Board Member, Wedding Officiant, Mentor, Volunteer Coordinator, International Speaker, Lifeteams OnTheRoad worker, Special Needs Elementary School Class Volunteer, Fundraiser, Preteen Youth Ministry Coordinator
Then what about all that other stuff I do?
-Carmen Rempel
Marathon Runner, Church Member, Self-lead Theological/Philosophy Student, Wife, Classical Literature Enthusiast, God parent, Friend, Daughter, Home owner
This would all seem like too much, and at times feels overwhelming. But that’s only when I loose perspective on who I really am. I am not titles. I am not a job description.
Primarily, above all else, I am the adopted daughter of the Most High King and I am simply on His mission to restore this world to the beautiful place of love and harmony that it once was and one day will be again.
I know hope for the world that keeps me laughing through life today.
That’s who I am.
I am "Adopted by hope".
You're pretty cool !