Sunday, November 8, 2009

and we laughed

Over a cozy london fog in the warmth of a coffee shop, escaping from the rain pouring outside, we sat together and laughed.

Laughter has been missing from the the lives of the teens i know. The laughter that is there is usually sarcastic or shallow. Teens are stressed. Teens are striving. Teens are pressured. Teens are hurting.
I want to see them laugh.

The last time I got together with this one teen I told her I was concerned about her because she is so past burn out stage i'm afraid she wont make it to 25 because the stress is starting to effect her health. So this time instead of a stern talking to, we simply talked and laughed and theorized about life and people. We both left feeling full and encouraged instead of drained. And I didn't even ask her how she was that day.
God would you give peace and joy to these teens. May they find true joy.

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