God I know that you have called me to do this work. I believe heart and soul in it. To love the person in front of me, then to go and stand around the high school. We have seen teens get to know you, and be baptized. We've seen miracles. You are hope. And these teens need hope. After seeing all that you can do I hate that I'm stressed about fundraising. God I know that you have called me into this work, and I know that you have set up people to support it. So please, reveal to me who to ask. Who do I tap on the shoulder and say, I think God has called you to join this work? God I need about 10 more people to join my support team. Please prompt their hearts, please bring me to their minds. This work can't be done without their support. God I chose to trust you. I chose to obey you. Show me what to do.
You are Big. You are Good. I jump into your arms. I trust you.
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